Aragon OSx Under the Hood. Let's take a closer look at the contracts behind your DAO on OSx.

16 Oct 2023, 15:07
Aragon OSx Under the Hood 🏎️ Let's take a closer look at the contracts behind your DAO on OSx! Modularity allows organizations to be adaptable, because you can add and remove functionality as needed. Here’s how our core contracts enable modular DAOs πŸ‘‡πŸ§΅

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AragonANT #137
16 Oct 2023, 15:07
πŸ“– Read more about the contracts behind Aragon OSx DAOs and start building your custom DAO or plugin here:
Read more about the contracts behind Aragon OSx DAOs and start building your custom DAO or plugin here:.
πŸ“– Read more about the contracts behind Aragon OSx DAOs and start building your custom DAO or plugin here:
AragonANT #137
16 Oct 2023, 15:07
DAOs on Aragon OSx are modular and adaptable because all functionality can be added, removed, and upgraded through plugins πŸ”Œ After your DAO is deployed, you will always have the flexibility to adapt your governance to meet your future needs!
DAOs on Aragon OSx are modular and adaptable because all functionality can be added, removed, and upgraded through plugins.
DAOs on Aragon OSx are modular and adaptable because all functionality can be added, removed, and upgraded through plugins πŸ”Œ After your DAO is deployed, you will always have the flexibility to adapt your governance to meet your future needs!