Introducing Aragon OSx Updates: seamless + optional updates for your DAO in the Aragon App.

19 Dec 2023, 16:40
Introducing Aragon OSx Updates: seamless + optional updates for your DAO in the Aragon App 💙 Typically, contract updates require Solidity experience. But we've made it safe and easy for DAOs to make updates by passing proposals in the App! Dive in 🧵

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AragonANT #137
20 Dec 2023, 20:28
Explore the research:
Explore the research:.
Explore the research:
AragonANT #137
20 Dec 2023, 20:28
What we shipped in 2023🚢 Day 4: Private Voting Proof of Concept for @nounsdao 🗳️ @aragon_zk and @aztecnetwork collaborated to research onchain private voting 🤝 They concluded with a demo, general + technical reports, and developed two time-locked cryptography protocols!
What we shipped in 2023. Day 4: Private Voting Proof of Concept for @nounsdao.
What we shipped in 2023🚢 Day 4: Private Voting Proof of Concept for @nounsdao 🗳️ @aragon_zk and @aztecnetwork collaborated to research onchain private voting 🤝 They concluded with a demo, general + technical reports, and developed two time-locked cryptography protocols!
AragonANT #137
20 Dec 2023, 14:14
Governance can be slow, which can hold teams back from iterating. So, orgs give permissions to individuals/teams to take action without organization-wide governance 🎬 In DAOs, these permissions take the form of onchain roles for individuals and subDAO permissions for teams
Governance can be slow, which can hold teams back from iterating.
Governance can be slow, which can hold teams back from iterating. So, orgs give permissions to individuals/teams to take action without organization-wide governance 🎬 In DAOs, these permissions take the form of onchain roles for individuals and subDAO permissions for teams
AragonANT #137
19 Dec 2023, 21:56
Join the 3,000 other DAOs and explore the Aragon App today! All you need is a few minutes of time and a few cents in your wallet 👇
Join the 3,000 other DAOs and explore the Aragon App today.
Join the 3,000 other DAOs and explore the Aragon App today! All you need is a few minutes of time and a few cents in your wallet 👇
AragonANT #137
19 Dec 2023, 21:56
You can also... 🙋🏽‍♀️ Delegate your voting power to any other address 💰 Deposit funds, create proposals to send funds, and keep track of your treasury with a transparent dashboard 👩🏻‍💻 Connect to external smart contracts using the Smart Contract Composer
You can also. ‍ Delegate your voting power to any other address.
You can also... 🙋🏽‍♀️ Delegate your voting power to any other address 💰 Deposit funds, create proposals to send funds, and keep track of your treasury with a transparent dashboard 👩🏻‍💻 Connect to external smart contracts using the Smart Contract Composer
AragonANT #137
19 Dec 2023, 21:56
👯‍♂️ Define your membership: either through tokens or allowlisted wallets 🪙 Mint your ERC-20 token or import your existing token. Using a multisig? Allowlist wallets instead of minting tokens! ⚖️ Set governance thresholds using helpful tips in the App
‍ Define your membership: either through tokens or allowlisted wallets. Mint your ERC-20 token or import your existing token.
👯‍♂️ Define your membership: either through tokens or allowlisted wallets 🪙 Mint your ERC-20 token or import your existing token. Using a multisig? Allowlist wallets instead of minting tokens! ⚖️ Set governance thresholds using helpful tips in the App
AragonANT #137
19 Dec 2023, 21:56
Once your DAO is live, there's a whole world to explore onchain…. 📝 Create proposals with programmable actions—such as to mint tokens, send assets, edit gov settings, pass contract updates + more! 🗳️ Cast onchain votes with your tokens or wallet ☑️ Execute the actions
Once your DAO is live, there's a whole world to explore onchain….
Once your DAO is live, there's a whole world to explore onchain…. 📝 Create proposals with programmable actions—such as to mint tokens, send assets, edit gov settings, pass contract updates + more! 🗳️ Cast onchain votes with your tokens or wallet ☑️ Execute the actions
AragonANT #137
19 Dec 2023, 21:56
What we shipped in 2023🚢 Day 3: The Aragon App As of today, over 3,000 DAOs have been created with the Aragon App! 🥳 What can you do with the App? Let us show you.... 🧵
What we shipped in 2023. Day 3: The Aragon App. As of today, over 3,000 DAOs have been created with the Aragon App.
What we shipped in 2023🚢 Day 3: The Aragon App As of today, over 3,000 DAOs have been created with the Aragon App! 🥳 What can you do with the App? Let us show you.... 🧵
AragonANT #137
19 Dec 2023, 21:56
The Aragon App enables anyone to launch a DAO in under 10 minutes and with less than 1 dollar 🤯 The App is your onchain home for your DAO—all in one simple UI. Take a tour with us 👇🧵
The Aragon App enables anyone to launch a DAO in under 10 minutes and with less than 1 dollar.
The Aragon App enables anyone to launch a DAO in under 10 minutes and with less than 1 dollar 🤯 The App is your onchain home for your DAO—all in one simple UI. Take a tour with us 👇🧵
AragonANT #137
19 Dec 2023, 21:56
Create your DAO, your way. Here are your choices: ⛓️ Choose your chain: Eth, @0xPolygonLabs , @arbitrum , or @BuildOnBase 🎨 Customize your DAO with a logo and name! If you're on Eth, choose your dao.eth subdomain from @ensdomains (It's too late to claim taco.dao.eth 😁)
Create your DAO, your way. Here are your choices:. Choose your chain: Eth, @0xPolygonLabs , @arbitrum , or @BuildOnBase.
Create your DAO, your way. Here are your choices: ⛓️ Choose your chain: Eth, @0xPolygonLabs , @arbitrum , or @BuildOnBase 🎨 Customize your DAO with a logo and name! If you're on Eth, choose your dao.eth subdomain from @ensdomains (It's too late to claim taco.dao.eth 😁)
AragonANT #137
19 Dec 2023, 16:58
Devs should be focused on their own tech-stack not spending unreasonable time in DAO ops. We continue to ship human-readable, no-code tooling including the ability for you to OPTIONALLY update your self-sovereign DAO with a simple pre-populated proposal. More details in the blog.
Devs should be focused on their own tech-stack not spending unreasonable time in DAO ops.
Devs should be focused on their own tech-stack not spending unreasonable time in DAO ops. We continue to ship human-readable, no-code tooling including the ability for you to OPTIONALLY update your self-sovereign DAO with a simple pre-populated proposal. More details in the blog.
AragonANT #137
19 Dec 2023, 16:40
🤖 Automatically-generated proposals and a verification step remove the possibility of incorrectly configuring actions. 🗳️ Updates must pass a DAO vote before they can be executed.
Automatically-generated proposals and a verification step remove the possibility of incorrectly configuring actions.
🤖 Automatically-generated proposals and a verification step remove the possibility of incorrectly configuring actions. 🗳️ Updates must pass a DAO vote before they can be executed.
AragonANT #137
19 Dec 2023, 16:40
Check for updates in your DAO!
Check for updates in your DAO.
Check for updates in your DAO!